Presenting you a list of Android apps which you must have or at least try using it, these have been filtered after using more than 1500 apps in my Android lifetime:
Father of apps (Asli Baap of all apps)
1) Drippler - Provides the updates on latest happening in Android/iOS, most of the apps mentioned below have been found by me due to Drippler! So its the Godfather!!!
Must have app!!!
1) Automateit - What if you reach home, and your phone's wifi is automatically turned ON, and once wifi is connected it automatically starts Skype, and what if it switches the phone to silent once you reach office. What if you put your headphones, and the phone automatically opens your favourite music app. Yes a lot of these and many more is possible. Let me know if you need a full version.
Good to have app!!!
2) Tasker (paid version) - All the same as above with integration facilities with other apps by way of coding, I haven't tried it much (as I dont pay for apps ;) ), but heard its good. Let me know if you give it a shot!
Try out app!!!
3) Utter! - A lot of tasks which you would usually do by touching your phone's screen and looking at it, all those things can be done simply by your voice, Google voice has its limitations & Utter completes it. Its still improvising, but believe me its still very good, if you are into voice based tasks.
Fun to have app!!!
1) Callheads - Ever happened with you, that you are doing some important task on an app, or on a verge of making a highscore and beat your friend, and suddenly a call comes (sometimes its the same friend whose score you were trying to beat), and all your efforts since last 20 minutes gone to drain. Well, callheads helps you avoid such situation, it lets you finish your task and then you can pick the call, till that time there will be a small callhead in the centre of the screen, which will not hamper your current app activity in any way.
Must have app!!!

2) Flynx browser - Imagine, You are seeing a lot of tweets, and many of them have a link to read more, but you want to go on further to see what more tweets are available, but you cant, as you have clicked on a browser link, which is now loading slowly, and you are staring at a blank screen for few seconds. Then you read the entire document, and then go back to twitter and you again click another link and do the waiting again. Its too much strain!!, why cant I read all the twitter messages, and meanwhile all the links which I select open in the background, and I read only when they are completely loaded, saving time and energy. Flynx allows you to do that!!.
Must have app!!!
3) Pocket - Going into a meeting?, but hey a long article which you are reading, what about that? Well save it to Pocket and read it later at your own leisure!!!
Must have app!!!
4) Multitasking - We say our phones have multitasking capabilities, but that means we can work on two apps but not at the same time, well Multitasking allows you to do real multitasking. Which means I can view photos in gallery while I am clicking pictures!!! both at same time on same screen. Oh! wait! I can also add a browser to the screen, and much more (hope your phone's screen size is huge to accommodate five six or more windows).
Good to have app!!!
5) Pushbullet - While at home, I tend to use laptop or desktop more than the phone and keep my phone on direct charging, for those who do the same, its really annoying when every-time a notification rings (Thanks to Whatsapp and other apps! :/ ), we have to again and again get up to check the phone. Well by using pushbullet, now I can see all the notification directly on my laptop, no need to get up again and again to check the phone. What's more some of the things I can directly reply from laptop (Whatsapp still not there though, but developers are persistently requesting whatsapp to allow access). In all, I dont have to switch on my screen on, and type in the password, just to see a silly notification, I can discard that right away when I am working on my laptop.
Must have app!!!
6) Battery doctor - It says it increases your battery life, I have serious doubts, but still its a relief factor of using an app which is used by millions and liked too. So following the crowd here! :)
Don't really know whether to have this app or not!!!
Navigation & Traffic update
1) Waze - A brilliant app, which I would like to promote, and want Mumbaikars to use, its a crowdsourced traffic information app. When we are in traffic and listening to radio or some music in car, do the world or at least Mumbai a favour by posting that dont come through this road, its pretty busy. Earn good karma, and keep GPS on if you wish, waze will automatically determine your speed of the car and keep updating it on the map. You can use the app then to view what others have to say.
Please have this app and use it!!!
2) Traffline - A recently downloaded app, heard its good
Try out app!!!
Learning apps
1) Painless GRE - Its a pain to remember new words and then keep revisiting to ensure retention, well Painless GRE takes that pain for you and what you have to do is just give one test a day (you can customise the way you want to do it), but a very good app to learn new words.
Good to have app!!!
2) Coursera - I have used this app on laptop, havent used it on mobile, but heard its good. Give it a try and let us know whether its good.
3) Quora - One of the best apps to find answer to all the questions that can come to your mind, if its not there, post it on quora, you will definitely get an answer
Must have app!!!
4) Reddit - I used this app long long time ago, have lost touch, but what I remember is, it is a good app (while writing this article I have decided to use this app again)
5) Drug index - Well Both drug index and drug dictionary apps can be used whenever you are purchasing a new medicine, lookup for its contents and then search in both these drug apps. As a result you will know a lot more about the drug you consume. Such info is definitely helpful.
6) Drug dictionary
Good to have if interested, apps!!!
Document tools
1) Camscanner - Again everyone has this app and also uses it.
2) Quickoffice - I use this app to view documents, its simple and nice. I have used others also, but somehow intuitively I have like this the most. Dont have a logical comparison for this category.
Music Apps
1) 8 tracks - A music app which helps you find relevant music based on the genres, artist and more. Have found a lot of new music from this app which I havent heard before
2) Soundcloud - Heard its good, havent used it extensively to provide a review
3) Shazam - Well this one most of us knows, but if you dont' then imagine a situation, you are at a party and suddenly very nice song or music starts being played, you dont what the song is, you open shazam and press the center button, and voila! it finds the music for you.
Cloud storage
1) Google Drive
2) Dropbox
3) Box
1) Team viewer - Helps you take complete control your laptop from your phone!
2) TV quicksupport
Video player
1) MX Player - A nice video player, but nothing much special
Fun to use apps
1) Cymera - A portrait face photo editing app, lot of fun based editing you can do on anybody's face,
2) Gif Mob - What do you do when you go to a party or event, you click photos, or videos, well its time! to do something new, try gifmob and make gif files (its really funny when you finally see the outcome) its something one must try,
Hope your android phones will be see some new apps after this, which will make this article a success! and please do share some of the interesting apps that you have come across and your views on the apps I suggested.