Sunday, May 15, 2016

Arrogance comes with abundance! Where to stop?

Interestingly two things I saw today, gave me evidences enough to believe that abundance is one of the key elements that brings in arrogance.  First one I saw was Kung Fu Panda 3, wherein Kai – the antagonist, keeps on gathering “chi”- which is the energy you absorb from the master you defeat in a battle. He keeps on getting it, and more powerful he gets, he was reminded in between by Master Oogway, that “the more you take, the less you have”. Finally, he is bloated with Panda’s chi, which leads him to burst due to uncontrollable energy. Drawing a parallel here, it means that you should give more importance to the “value” of things and not to the “quantity” of things. If you have 10 rupees, 1 rupee will be of much more value than it is when you have 100 rupees. But how do you when to stop taking more? Because arrogance always comes with abundance. You will value less, when the more you take. This applies for everything I guess, the more of tasty food you have, the less likely you are gonna have it again, or more you store things you like, lesser are the chance you will give time to enjoy each of your collections.

That leads to the second thing that I saw today, a video wherein in Kenya, a retired military officer, who barely earns anything for his family, creates a greenhouse for flower farming. Over the period it grows to the second largest cut-flower exporter in the world, but he keeps giving back a lot to his employees, which he calls his fellow Kenyans, who all had faced great amount of adversity inn their lives. This man obviously didn’t stop growing, but ensured that people around him grew as well, and in the same rate of growth as his. 

So I think, it’s not that you should stop, it’s that you should enable and give back what you take in order to make more use of it and not reduce its value.

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